Auto Insurance in and around Dumas
Auto owners of Dumas, State Farm has you covered
Take a drive, safely
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Be Ready For The Unexpected
When life has you on the move, things don't always go smoothly. Because falling objects or falling tree branches can happen to anyone, anytime, you need car insurance coverage you can rely on.
Auto owners of Dumas, State Farm has you covered
Take a drive, safely
Protect Your Ride
Even better—budget-friendly coverage from State Farm is possible for a wide array of vehicles, from pickup trucks to SUVs to sedans to smart cars.
But the coverage doesn’t stop there. Did you know State Farm also covers dune buggies, kayaks, camping trailers and snowmobiles?! With State Farm Agent Rick Avina, a policy can be personalized for your assortment of vehicles as well as your situational needs to include options like Emergency Roadside Service (ERS) coverage and car rental insurance.
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Rick at (806) 935-4618 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
The Real Consequences of Drunk Driving
The Real Consequences of Drunk Driving
What's at stake if you're caught drunk driving? A lot. These tips help you avoid the dangers of drinking and driving.
SR-22 for a suspended driver's license
SR-22 for a suspended driver's license
You may need an SR-22 certificate of financial responsibility if your driving privileges have been taken away and you want to get back on the road.
Simple Insights®
The Real Consequences of Drunk Driving
The Real Consequences of Drunk Driving
What's at stake if you're caught drunk driving? A lot. These tips help you avoid the dangers of drinking and driving.
SR-22 for a suspended driver's license
SR-22 for a suspended driver's license
You may need an SR-22 certificate of financial responsibility if your driving privileges have been taken away and you want to get back on the road.